Day 13: Aug 18, 2009 / Rome, Italy
We chatted with Bela again before going down for breakfast. We left the hotel around 10 AM, took the metro to go to the Vatican Museum which is just a few stations away from our hotel. We lined up around 10:30 AM to go inside the museum. It took us 30 minutes to line up to go inside, then another 30 minutes to buy tickets and get audio guides.

The museum was really huge and all the pieces there were really amazing and jaw dropping. We were inside exploring everything for the whole day. Our last stop is the Sistine Chapel which is also inside the Vatican Museum compound. We are not allowed to take pictures so we just enjoyed the moment and we really felt greatful that we were able to visit the Sistine Chapel. After the tour of the Vatican Museum, we went to St. Peter’s Basilica which is just walking distance from the Museum.
While inside the Basilica, we saw our neighbor (Vicky) who is now in Milan and is having a vacation in Rome. She is with her cousin who lives in Rome so they offered to give us a tour of Rome. We went to Castel d’ Saint Angelo and Piazza Navona. Before we knew it was time for us to part ways because we have to take the metro because we will be meeting with Fr. Lito at the Ananini station at 7 PM to have dinner at his house and meet up again with Meg, Kuya Danny, Kuya Chito and mommy whom we met at Venice.
At Fr. Lito’s house, we met Fr. Edison, Angelo and Fr. Jessie who are all residing in Rome. We really enjoyed dinner since they prepared Filipino food which we have been missing already since we are gone for almost two weeks now. Just like in Venice, we all had fun again talking about anything that we canthink of. Fr. Lito suggested that we spend the night there since his house is close to the Pope’s Summer house for the Papal Audience the next day.
You can view more pictures here.

While inside the Basilica, we saw our neighbor (Vicky) who is now in Milan and is having a vacation in Rome. She is with her cousin who lives in Rome so they offered to give us a tour of Rome. We went to Castel d’ Saint Angelo and Piazza Navona. Before we knew it was time for us to part ways because we have to take the metro because we will be meeting with Fr. Lito at the Ananini station at 7 PM to have dinner at his house and meet up again with Meg, Kuya Danny, Kuya Chito and mommy whom we met at Venice.
At Fr. Lito’s house, we met Fr. Edison, Angelo and Fr. Jessie who are all residing in Rome. We really enjoyed dinner since they prepared Filipino food which we have been missing already since we are gone for almost two weeks now. Just like in Venice, we all had fun again talking about anything that we canthink of. Fr. Lito suggested that we spend the night there since his house is close to the Pope’s Summer house for the Papal Audience the next day.
You can view more pictures here.