Day 3: Aug 8, 2009 / Frankfurt, Germany

I was still jet lag so I was already wide awake at 2 AM (as it is already 8 AM Manila time). I was trying to wake Howell up but he is already used to time difference, so I lie down in bed doing nothing.
By 6 AM, I managed to wake Howell up so we are already out of the hotel by 7 AM. We walk to the nearest tram station from our hotel where we bought our day pass ticket (Euro 5.8) for the metro and tram. The tram and metro will take us downtown.
We alight at Romer Dom station where St. Bartolome Church and the Ruins can be found. We had a photo op in the ruins and in front of the church. Then we walked to Romer. This is like their plaza where you can find souvenir shops, their city halls, restaurants, and sometimes there is a fair happening here. Since we are so early, we were able to take nice shots because we have the plaza all to ourselves.
After our photo shoot, we had breakfast at Starbucks near Romer Dom as I am dying to have my frapuccino already. After breakfast we bought my water globe and ref magnet at the souvenir shops then we went to Eisernen Steges (bridge), had a photo shoot there also and bought tickets for the river cruise along River main (if my memory serves me right, price for the cruise is Euro 7).
While waiting for the cruise, we check out the flea market across the bridge. By 10:45, we waited in the docking station of the boat for the lunch river cruise. The cruise lasted for an hour and we were able to see Frankfurt’s Power Plant, the Railway Bridge, the bridge connecting the city to Sachsenhawsen, the museums in Sachsenhawsen, among others.
After the cruise, we had lunch at the flea market, visited St. Catherine Church and checked out Historiches Museum (Euro 4 excluding the temporary exhibitions) where we got to discover Frankfurt’s history. Then we attended the anticipated mass at St. Leonard when we found out that the mass is in English. After the mass, they asked guests like us to stand up and introduce ourselves to the whole community and they gave us a souvenir from St.Catherine church. We met a lot of Filipinos there and we were even able to sign the condolence book for our late Pres. Cory Aquino which we were not able to do while we are in Manila. A representative of the Philippine consulate was also present during the mass and he asked Howell to be the official photographer while the Filipinos are signing the guest book to be sent to Malacanang.
One of the Filipinos that we met at the church, the Alcantara family went with us to Hbf to direct us to the station where we will take the bus going to Prague. By 7 PM, we went back to our hotel to freshen up and get our things then went to Hbf again, have dinner at Burger King and waited for our bus which is scheduled to leave at 10:45 PM.
The bus arrived at 10:30 PM and left exactly at 10:45 PM and we just slept the entire trip.
By 6 AM, I managed to wake Howell up so we are already out of the hotel by 7 AM. We walk to the nearest tram station from our hotel where we bought our day pass ticket (Euro 5.8) for the metro and tram. The tram and metro will take us downtown.
We alight at Romer Dom station where St. Bartolome Church and the Ruins can be found. We had a photo op in the ruins and in front of the church. Then we walked to Romer. This is like their plaza where you can find souvenir shops, their city halls, restaurants, and sometimes there is a fair happening here. Since we are so early, we were able to take nice shots because we have the plaza all to ourselves.
After our photo shoot, we had breakfast at Starbucks near Romer Dom as I am dying to have my frapuccino already. After breakfast we bought my water globe and ref magnet at the souvenir shops then we went to Eisernen Steges (bridge), had a photo shoot there also and bought tickets for the river cruise along River main (if my memory serves me right, price for the cruise is Euro 7).
While waiting for the cruise, we check out the flea market across the bridge. By 10:45, we waited in the docking station of the boat for the lunch river cruise. The cruise lasted for an hour and we were able to see Frankfurt’s Power Plant, the Railway Bridge, the bridge connecting the city to Sachsenhawsen, the museums in Sachsenhawsen, among others.
After the cruise, we had lunch at the flea market, visited St. Catherine Church and checked out Historiches Museum (Euro 4 excluding the temporary exhibitions) where we got to discover Frankfurt’s history. Then we attended the anticipated mass at St. Leonard when we found out that the mass is in English. After the mass, they asked guests like us to stand up and introduce ourselves to the whole community and they gave us a souvenir from St.Catherine church. We met a lot of Filipinos there and we were even able to sign the condolence book for our late Pres. Cory Aquino which we were not able to do while we are in Manila. A representative of the Philippine consulate was also present during the mass and he asked Howell to be the official photographer while the Filipinos are signing the guest book to be sent to Malacanang.
One of the Filipinos that we met at the church, the Alcantara family went with us to Hbf to direct us to the station where we will take the bus going to Prague. By 7 PM, we went back to our hotel to freshen up and get our things then went to Hbf again, have dinner at Burger King and waited for our bus which is scheduled to leave at 10:45 PM.
The bus arrived at 10:30 PM and left exactly at 10:45 PM and we just slept the entire trip.
You can view more Frankfurt pictures here.