I’m still here at the office.
It’s a regular working day also for Howell but he will just file a half-day leave so he can take Bela to SM. I initially planned to take a half-day leave also but I can’t seem to find the courage to ask my boss’s permission. LOL. I just had my vacation leave last Friday and Monday (because of the election) so I’m too shy to ask him again for another leave.
Oh well, I just told Howell to take pictures of our daughter so I can get to see how’s her First Trick or Treat experience was like.
I’m still crossing my fingers and hopefully they will allow us to go home before 3 PM.


If you’re looking for an apartment, you just need to log in to roomster.net to check all the available apartments within your desired area. What’s nice about this site is that it displays pictures of the property so you can have a glimpse of how the property looks like. This site also has an email and quick message facility so you can easily send an email or a quick message to the property owner with just one click of a button which makes it easy for the client and the owner of the property to communicate. It is also integrated with Google map which gives prospective clients a quick view of the location of the property.
(Please click on the image to get a bigger view of the screen shot)

So try checking roomster.net now for your online apartment hunting and advertising needs.

Nature + Adventure = Australia
If you want to have a feel of nature, then Brisbane is the best place to visit. She suggested that you should search for Brisbane Accommodations so you have a few days to spend to explore the city. There are a lot of must see places in Brisbane that will give you a great nature experience. Mt Coot-tha Lookout tops her list because she was able to get a great view of the whole of Brisbane’s City. And if you want to have a feel of Australia’s wildlife, my friend said that you shouldn’t miss visiting the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. And since my friend loves flowers also, she really did enjoy her trip to the City Botanic Gardens and the Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens. Her list goes on and on and it really sounds fun and interesting. So it is really a must to search for hotels in Brisbane so you have a few days to spare to visit all of these places.

Vacation Australia
There are a lot of things that you can do while you’re in Sydney. You can join a walking tour of the Sydney Opera House. Or try the newest adventure in Sydney and take an outdoor walk at the rooftop of Sydney Tower. Or if you want to learn how to surf, you can take surfing lessons at the famous Bondi Beach. And since Sydney is known as the Harbour City, then joining a cruise is one great way to explore the city.

So start planning your flight and book your Sydney Accommodation for your next adventure on the land down under.

Hooray for my mom
We we’re overwhelmed by the support that they have given my mom. The morning of the election, the people are already congratulating us and telling us that the election is already over. Of course, we are happy with the feedback that they’re giving us but the fight is still not over until after the counting of the votes.
My mom was sick from Friday until Sunday and she has high blood pressure (180/120) since Sunday evening. Maybe, she’s tensed and stressed out with the election.
The counting of votes started around 3:30 PM. I was just at home and I left my brother at the polling precincts as I don’t think I can handle the stress there. I just told him to text me for updates every now and then. My brother texted me around 4 PM and gave me the news that we have an overall 60 votes lead but he is getting a little nervous because my mom’s opponent was winning in two precincts. Around 5 PM he texted me again and we now have an over all lead of 70 votes. By 5:30, my brother called me and confirmed that we already won.
I was jumping with joy for my mom. I really wanted her to win and I know she is more than qualified than her other two opponents and I believed that she will do a much better job than them. And I know this is something that she really loves doing. She’s a people person so she really enjoys serving the people.
From the bottom of our hearts, thanks again for all your prayers and support.

And Mrs. C _ _ _ D _ _ _ _ _ _ strikes again…
During the campaign period, every time we see her, she is already congratulating us and telling us that my mom will surely win the election. And when my grand father passed away a few months ago, she even went to the wake of my grandfather and she’s acting and pretending as if nothing happened between her and my mom. (So plastic.)
I don’t care if she is supporting another candidate. What really irritates me is that she is so plastic and back stabber. If she doesn’t like us, then she doesn’t have to pretend that she likes us. She’s so two faced that she is showing a good side of her when she’s talking to us but all along, she has been hiding grudges from my mom. I’m not that kind of person. If I don’t like you, then I don’t like you. So it is really irritating to deal with back stabbers and pretentious person like her.
But like what my relatives are saying, they knew all along that she has a trashy attitude. And so Mrs. C _ _ _ D _ _ _ _ _ _ , this one is for you - you STINK, big time!!!

But I’m still thankful that St. Jude answered my prayers because the meeting de avance and the over all campaign was very peaceful – no black propaganda, no lies. Not like last election where my mom’s opponent created a lot of lies about my mom. (He’s that desperate to win the election). I remember there was even an issue about me also. I worked for one of the foreign missions here and they sent me to Canada for training – all expenses paid with food and accommodation allowance. Would you imagine my mom’s opponent was spreading the news that I used the SK funds (I was the SK Chairman back then) that’s why I was able to go to Canada. My dad was so affected by the issues and he was really fuming mad with my mom’ opponent. That’s why I really prayed hard to St. Jude that this election would not be the same as last election where all of us we’re really tense and stress.
One more day to go and we’ll know if my mom can win again for her third term. Please continue praying for her.

20 info's about me
2. How can we tell that you're already irritated?
I stop talking.
3. How do you treat the person that obviously doesn't like you?
I will show him/her that I don’t like him/her either.
4. What usually ruins your mood?
If I see the person that I dislike/hate/despise.
5. Who do you see everyday that you wish you just wouldn't at all?
Secret…baka mabasa nya eh. Pero he’s someone that I see everyday talaga.
6. When was the last time that you had a good cry?
Hmm, can’t remember na.
7. How often do you shop for clothes?
Not that often. My sister and my mom were already begging me to shop for new clothes. Ever since I gave birth to Bela kse, I’m only shopping for her na lang.
8. Who's your long-time crush?
Elliott Yamin
9. Someone you just had a crush on?
Ding Dong Dantes…LOL. Ever since I started watching Marimar, I really find him cute and sexy (yuck, baduy ko…hehehe)
10 . Do you have something that you wish you just don't?
11. Do you sometimes crave for something that isn't there?
12 . Do you wish to live in a faraway land where nobody knows you?
No, I’m not used to being far away with my family & friend.
13. Have you kissed a total stranger?
14. What do you want to do at this moment?
Eat my Cadbury.
15 . The worst feeling?
16. How about the best?
When Bela’s Cardio gave the good news to us that the hole in her heart is already close.
17. Ever given your number to someone you dislike?
18. What will you say to the one reading this right now?
Thanks for the tag sis.
19. What/Who do you need right now?
My family
20 . Happy with your life?
Yes, can’t complain. God has been very good to us and has been showering us with a lot of blessings.
I'm tagging Jane, Nice & Jody.

Party Updates
- Order Cake – Done
I was checking the blog of Jane and I saw the birthday cake of Sophia on her second birthday. It was really nice and something new so I showed it to Pizzie and ordered a cupcake tree from her also. I’m just not sure if it will look as cute as Sophia’s cupcake tree as Pizzie is getting from a different supplier (it’s much cheaper than Jane’s supplier) - Balloon decorations – Done
We decided to just get 10 table centerpieces from Little Royalties and balloon burst. We won’t be getting her balloon package with hanging balloons to reduce our party expense. - Book Food cart (Corn Dog) – Done
- Lay out & printing of invitation – Done
All we need to do is to just cut and paste the pop up picture of Bela and we can start distributing the invites. - Print stubs for: Kiddie Salon, Hawaiian Snow Cone, Swimming Pool Entrance, Souvenir - Done
- Print 65 pieces Lilo & Stitch Coloring Pages - Done
- Lay out of Souvenir inserts for the tumbler (c/o dad) & printing (c/o mom) – Target date of completion: 1st week of November
- Lay out of Tarpaulin (c/o Lolo June) - Target date of completion: (First week of November)
- Attire for mom, dad & Bela –will visit Farley 1st week or 2nd week of November
- AVP (c/o Tito Joseph) - Target date of completion: First to second week of November

My Dream Destination - Germany

Germany tops my list for my dream vacation. There are a lot of things you can do in Germany. If you’re in Munich, you can go to a lot of places for history and sight seeing. You can visit the Neuschwanstein Castle, the old and new town hall (Rathaus and Altes Rathaus), Olympiaturm - Olympic Tower and Peterskirche - Church of St. Peter.

And of course if you’re in Germany, you shouldn’t miss visiting Berlin. For sight seeing, you can visit Brandenburger Tor (Symbol of a City), Haus der Kulturen der Welt (The pregnant Oyster), Funkturm (Berlin's Eiffel Tower), or Tierpark Berlin-Friedrichsfelde (A Park for Animals). You can choose from a number of guest house and hotels in Berlin that will suit your budget and taste.

So what are you waiting for. Start searching for hotels in Germany so you can have a taste of Oktoberfest and visit the famous sights and places in Germany.

Dead Tired
My mom is also sick. Nahawa ata sa akin or maybe super stress sa election.
And just this morning we also attended the Dedication of the Noma Twins – Eliana & Eliora. I’m one of the ninang of Eliana (Yani). The mom of the twins was my barkada from high school and is also one of the ninang of Bela. Howell was the official photographer so we arrived there early and we’re also one of the last one to go. But we’re happy because super satisfied naman sila sa service ni hubby. Binook na nga si Howell for the twins 1st birthday on June…hehehe…I’ll post some pictures pag na download na ni Howell.
So now I’m blogging. Just relaxing before another long night as tonight is also the meeting de avance. Hay, feeling ko magkakasakit na naman ako. Super busy weekend.

Very Bad News
But then I realized life is still good. Nothing is still confirmed, as it is all pure speculations and gossips. I know God will never abandoned us and whatever is His plan for us, then we will humbly follow.
So, Life goes on. We have a beautiful life and I have my loving family beside me. So I know whatever happens, everything will be ok.

Travel Plans

I remember I was the one who planned everything. I didn’t rely on travel agencies, as we want to have total control of our time so I’m the one who booked everything – from our flight, to our hotel accommodation, and the bus rental for our airport transfers.
I first started booking for our flight. It took me the whole day to book everything, as I have to book 19 tickets (13 adults & 6 kids). After booking our flight, I then started to do some research on the net about the different hotels in Hong Kong.
I used the facilities of Hotelreservations.com in choosing and booking our accommodation. I really like this site because it’s so easy to use. I just typed in the city where we’re going, and then it gives me a list of all the hotels in that area. Plus I can even sort it alphabetically, or based on the quality, the price, and best value. And if you’re on a budget, you can book a hostel or a motel also through HotelReservations com.
Another good thing about booking through them is that they offer Hotel Discounts and they have special Internet rates for online bookers. Plus I have an option to book online or book by calling their toll free number. Booking a hotel has never been this easy.
HotelResrvations.com does not only assist you in booking for your accommodation. They can also assist you in booking for vacation packages. It’s so easy also. You can just type in your destination and the vacation package that you want, and they will give you a list of flight & hotel packages. Isn’t that neat? It’s like they are almost doing everything for your travel.
So for our next family adventure, I would definitely still use the service of HotelReservations.com for our hotel reservations and vacation packages.

Christmas Shopping = Online Shopping
I remember, last year, we did a Christmas shopping rush. We just buy two sets of items for our entire godchildren –we bought the same toy for all the girls and same stuff for all the boys.
I hate it when we do those Christmas shopping rush. Good thing I discovered a lot of online stores where I can do my Christmas shopping at the convenience of our home. These online shopping stores use very reliable ecommerce software that is very user friendly for the customers. I just add all my shopping items to the shopping cart and purchase everything via my credit card and everything will be delivered at my doorstep. It’s that easy.

If you’re into online casinos….
So I did a search on the Internet and I discovered that there are really a lot of online casinos available now, about a thousand of them. So how can a player know which online casino sites offers the best when it comes to the game experience, security, player ratings, promotions & bonuses and the like?
Good thing there is an online casino review website like Pro360.com. This online casino review website gives a detailed review of each of the online casinos based on the different preferences of the players like security, gaming experience, promotions & bonuses, other player’s rating and the like. This saves the players the hassle of going through each of the thousand online casinos available.
Pro360.com is very user friendly. There are navigations buttons at the top of the page where players can select reviews based on the different casino games like baccarat, video poker, and others. There is also a link to the Editors Choice Casinos which gives a list of the top online casinos. And for beginners for online casinos, this site also gives you a link to the Beginners Guide to Online Gambling and Online Gambling Tips.
So for those who are into online gambling, better check Pro360.com for reviews and tips on online casinos.

Presenting Bela’s 2nd Birthday Party Invitation
Design Lay Out & Ideas: c/o Lolo June
Invite Lay out, editing & printing: c/o Dad
Invite Text: c/o Tita tessa
And since we can’t choose which picture to use for the invite, we decided to just use all of it.

Invite - Front & Back Designs

Emergency Cash
I then suggested that they avail of payday loans. Payday loans are the best option for situations like this – they need immediate cash and their payday is still days or weeks away.
What’s good about this payday loans is that approval is fast and easy. It’s so easy to apply since everything is online. And what’s best about it is that it is secure. All they need to do is complete an online application form. After completing the form, their loan will be process right away by a loan representative after all their details have been confirmed. In most cases, no additional documents will be required from the applicant. Once they’re loan gets approved, the cash will be deposited directly to their savings or checking account overnight. Another best feature of this payday loan is that it is flexible and thus it offers different payment schemes.
I told them to apply right away so they can get the cash that they need for their son’s hospitalization. I just hope and pray that all will be well for their son.

Elections 2007
Here’s the lay out of my mom’s campaign poster and tarpaulin courtesy of yours truly.

read the text written at the back of bela's shirt
full support ang family kay mother

Which credit card is best for you?
I, for one have a lot of considerations when it comes to choosing the right credit card. Does the card offer low interest rates? Will it be accepted internationally? Do they offer reward credit cards where they can give you rewards points for every amount that you spent using the card? Or if you’re a business woman like me, do they offer business credit card where you can consolidate all business related expense with just one credit card?
These are just a few of the things that I’m looking for in a credit card which makes me really confuse. That’s why I’m so glad to discover this site which can really help me choose the best credit card that suits my needs - Yourcreditnetwork.com.
The site is so easy to us. You can do research about the different credit cards based on either the credit card issuer or the credit card features. Then you can compare your credit card selection based on the different features of the card. Then, once you made your decision, you can apply online.
What’s best about this site is that you can read reviews about each of the credit cards which can help you choose the best credit card for you. They also give consumers advice on how to use their credit card wisely.
So if you’re having a hard time choosing which credit card to get, go check on Yourcreditnetwork.com to help you choose which credit card is best for you.

Happy 7th Birthday Jebriel
As usual, Bela had fun playing with Jollibee. Jollibee never ceases to amaze my Bela.
But if Bela enjoys attending birthday parties, it’s twice the joy for us watching how our Bela is having fun. And Bela appreciates party more now compared to when she is younger as she loves being around lots of kids. She loves to participate with the games and all the activities. Her favorite part is the candle blowing ceremony. Feeling nya birthday nya as she also blows the candle after the children sang the happy birthday song. She even wants to join the Trip to Jerusalem game so Yaya Chris & I we’re always following her as we’re afraid that the kids might accidentally hit her.
Here are some pictures taken by my husband during the party.

Blog Archive
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- And Mrs. C _ _ _ D _ _ _ _ _ _ strikes again…
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- 20 info's about me
- Party Updates
- My Dream Destination - Germany
- Dead Tired
- Cool Mom Award
- Very Bad News
- Travel Plans
- Christmas Shopping = Online Shopping
- If you’re into online casinos….
- Presenting Bela’s 2nd Birthday Party Invitation
- Emergency Cash
- Elections 2007
- Which credit card is best for you?
- Happy 7th Birthday Jebriel
- Christmas Shopping
- The Best of London
- Awards Again - Thanks Jane
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