Web Conferencing Tool
Posted by abie
10:32 AM
Ever since our system got upgraded from Windows NT to Windows XP, we have been enjoying the benefits of Microsoft Windows remote access. Since our office occupies three floors, we don’t have to go to each floor or each client, every time they need technical support. We just have to run the Windows remote desktop to gain access to the desktop of the client.
This technology is really very useful, easy to use, effective and saves a lot of time for us Information Technology professionals. My boss has been reviewing the benefits that we get from this remote support technology and have asked me to find a way to use this same technology for remote trainings.
Right now, every time employees from the Asia region needs technical training for a particular software, trainers from headquarters conduct training by phone which is really not effective since participants don’t get a picture and control of the computer applications.
So I tried searching the web and discovered RHUB Web Conferencing technology. It uses the same technology as Microsoft Remote Desktop and it allows sharing of computer applications among groups of participants over the Internet. It is one effective way to conduct trainings remotely so participants can get to see and control the shared computer applications.
This technology is really very useful, easy to use, effective and saves a lot of time for us Information Technology professionals. My boss has been reviewing the benefits that we get from this remote support technology and have asked me to find a way to use this same technology for remote trainings.
Right now, every time employees from the Asia region needs technical training for a particular software, trainers from headquarters conduct training by phone which is really not effective since participants don’t get a picture and control of the computer applications.

What’s best about this web conferencing tool is that it is very easy use so ordinary users who don’t have that much knowledge about IT won’t have a hard time using it.

I will review this product more so I can present this to my boss and hopefully we can use this web conferencing tool for the next remote training that will be attended by our Property section.