Thanks for this
Jody and

The button is a Flair created by
1. Post the button in your blog.
2. Please link back the person that gave the button to you.
3. If you have more than one blog, please post this to all of your blogs so your other blogs can be listed to the master list too.
4. You need to pass the button to at least 4 people that you think are also divas in any way.
5. Come back
here and leave your post url so you can be added to the master list and help increase our rankings.
6. Please add to the list below a reason why you love being online all the time.
Online Divas:1.
All Merging in the Path of My Life2.
My Big Picture3.
Walk on Red with Me4.
Supah MaMa Wannabe5.
The Stories of a Now SAHM6.
When Mom Speaks7.
Kathycot Cooking With a Twist 8.
Coffee Table Conversations 9.
My Precious Niche 10.
The Shopaholic In Me 11.
Our Journey to Life 12. Your Blog here
Reasons why I am an Online Diva:
1. Litzie - It helps me pass time when I’m at work and don’t have any patient to attend to.
2. Kathycot - Because it serves as my past time plus it gives me moolah for my kapricho’s
3. Jacqui - keeps me updated with all the online sale ; chikas and tsismis also from my online friends.
4. Eds – I looove being online the whole day and I’m definitely addicted to blogging (even at work but with exception- when I’m with Aj- Family First!)
5. Jody - I love writing, I love sharing stories about myself, my family. I also love reading stories from other people. In other words, I’m tsismosa! Hahaha.
6. Peachy - because I am ! I enjoy the online world, it keeps me up to date with my friends , and my family.
7. Abie – I think I’m online almost everyday. It helps me get connected and get updated with my friends and relatives. It is also my way to pass time, to share my thoughts or just share anything about me, my life, and my family.
{end copying here}
Passing this to my fellow online divas ..
Jhona and