I am a Mom

Bela and Cobi, the two most important people in my life. Sometimes they drive me crazy. You know kids, they can be unruly sometimes. But I will surely miss Bela and Cobi as I go back to work next week. I don’t want to be sentimental and emotional about it but the more I think of my dreaded September 7 (which is my first day back to work), the more I feel sad and depressed. I think I will have a terrible separation anxiety this time.
I have been so used to being around the two of them since I was on maternity leave that I don’t know how I can adjust being away from them even just for a few hours. Bela is even handling it even better than me because every time we talked about it and every time I tell her that I am really sad now that I am going back to work, she will just say “It’s okay mom, don’t be sad. I will just fetch you from work everyday so you will not be sad.”
Hay, if only it will be that simple. But I know I can’t afford to quit my job so I guess I have to find away to cure my depression soon as I have to be ready to go back to work in just five days.
I have been so used to being around the two of them since I was on maternity leave that I don’t know how I can adjust being away from them even just for a few hours. Bela is even handling it even better than me because every time we talked about it and every time I tell her that I am really sad now that I am going back to work, she will just say “It’s okay mom, don’t be sad. I will just fetch you from work everyday so you will not be sad.”
Hay, if only it will be that simple. But I know I can’t afford to quit my job so I guess I have to find away to cure my depression soon as I have to be ready to go back to work in just five days.