daddy's corner
Posted by abie
12:34 AM

I have been tagged by Em. Thanks for this sis.
The rule of this tag is for you to brag about "Daddy" (your husband if you have one or your dad if you do not have a husband yet). Started by Mitchteryosa
1) Copy from {Start Copy Here} to {End Copy Here}. 2) Blog ‘Brag’ about your husband - yes, the father of your child/ren. As I’ve said singles may also join by bragging about their own fathers, or even grandfathers. It doesn’t matter! Of course, Daddy bloggers themselves may also join, but you have to blog about your fathers and not about yourselves, deal? Okay. Good. 3) Add your blog in the master list below linking to the post that you just made. Or if you wish, do it as how I’ve done it in my other blog by adding a new page. 4) Leave your comment here and don’t forget to leave your link so you can be added on the masterlist. Yup. Here. Thanks! 5) Let’s not forget Peppermint Creative for the corner border I used for the badge. Masterlist.
1. When Silence Speaks
2. Everything About Deye
3. Etc Atbp
4. Pinay Mommy Online
5. Coffee Cup Princess
6. Garden of Moments
7. Aeirin’s Collection
8. Never Dainty
9. The Long Journey Of My Life
10. A Mother Of Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow
11. Everything That Has Breathe Praise The Lord
12. Can Of Thoughts
13. Anything And Everything In Between
14. No Place Like Home
15. Pinay WAHM
16. Only In Silence
17. Bisdak Footprints
18. Simply Me, Simple Life
19. Fun Fierce Fab
20. Confessions Of A Supermodel Wannabe
21. Embracing Health For Life
22. Jona Thinks
23. Whatever Comers To Mind
25. Why Babie?
26. My Virtual Closet
27. My Views On My So Called Life
28. Mind Bubbles
29. Vanity Kit
30. Stripe&Yellow
31. Em's Detour
32. Something Purple
33. Our Journey to Life
{End Copy Here}
Here are the worth-bragging characteristics of hubby:
The rule of this tag is for you to brag about "Daddy" (your husband if you have one or your dad if you do not have a husband yet). Started by Mitchteryosa
1) Copy from {Start Copy Here} to {End Copy Here}. 2) Blog ‘Brag’ about your husband - yes, the father of your child/ren. As I’ve said singles may also join by bragging about their own fathers, or even grandfathers. It doesn’t matter! Of course, Daddy bloggers themselves may also join, but you have to blog about your fathers and not about yourselves, deal? Okay. Good. 3) Add your blog in the master list below linking to the post that you just made. Or if you wish, do it as how I’ve done it in my other blog by adding a new page. 4) Leave your comment here and don’t forget to leave your link so you can be added on the masterlist. Yup. Here. Thanks! 5) Let’s not forget Peppermint Creative for the corner border I used for the badge. Masterlist.
1. When Silence Speaks
2. Everything About Deye
3. Etc Atbp
4. Pinay Mommy Online
5. Coffee Cup Princess
6. Garden of Moments
7. Aeirin’s Collection
8. Never Dainty
9. The Long Journey Of My Life
10. A Mother Of Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow
11. Everything That Has Breathe Praise The Lord
12. Can Of Thoughts
13. Anything And Everything In Between
14. No Place Like Home
15. Pinay WAHM
16. Only In Silence
17. Bisdak Footprints
18. Simply Me, Simple Life
19. Fun Fierce Fab
20. Confessions Of A Supermodel Wannabe
21. Embracing Health For Life
22. Jona Thinks
23. Whatever Comers To Mind
25. Why Babie?
26. My Virtual Closet
27. My Views On My So Called Life
28. Mind Bubbles
29. Vanity Kit
30. Stripe&Yellow
31. Em's Detour
32. Something Purple
33. Our Journey to Life
{End Copy Here}
Here are the worth-bragging characteristics of hubby:
- He is our energizer bunny. He never gets tired specially if it for us. Like even if she worked overtime (until 4AM), he would still find the energy to drive me and Bela to class or just take us out for a weekend of fun.
- He is the most responsible dad I have known. He will always put our needs first before his.
- He would really stand up for his family.
- He always has the time to play with Bela even if he is so sleepy and tired already
- He spoils me and Bela.
- He really works hard to get promoted so he can provide a better future (and more shopping budget. LOL) for us.
- He is open to new ideas for her daughter like enrolling her to play class, swimming lessons, etc even if a lot of our relatives are against it.
- He is a hands on dad and would always help me in taking care of Bela even if it means he has to wake up during the wee hours of the morning to prepare Bela’s milk or just to put her to sleep.
And to Howell, you are the best dad anyone could ever ask for. Happy Father’s day to you. We love you very much!!
I am now tagging: Eds, Peachy and Jane.