And the journey continues to Africa

So I was really excited while watching this episode. (Plus the fact that this is the last leg before the finale).
I was really happy with the teams who made it to the finale three. They are really the teams that I’m rooting for. I was surprised when the dancing mums cried when they left the center for the children with AIDS. I always see them to have tough personality and I can’t imagine them crying. But hey, as mothers who wouldn’t feel sad about the plight of those kids in the center.
I was so happy too that Marc and Rovilson claim back their position for number 1. And oh men they we’re so lucky that they won an all expense paid trip to South Africa. So they will go whale watching and enjoy the safari again. Oh boy, this two are really lucky. And for me, even if they don’t win the race, it’s like they still won a million bucks since the African Safari trip is worth P500,000 – 1M already. But of course, I would still want them to win. So good luck Marc & Rovilson. Hope you’ll bring home the bacon next week.